Been a while since we've met up, all thanks to our organiser who misses us so much! Cheers, Asilah!!
To say it correctly, 1 year, we have grad for a year man!! Wu lala!
Saturday was a bus, hectic and enjoyous day for me as I was such diligent that I woke up right 7am in the morning to get ready for a morning swim at Hougang pool. Being me, ask for company. Gave a call to the lucky ones early in the morning when the sun has just rise in hours.
Eddie - Surprisingly, he pick up the phone but to MY Surprise !! He was gaming with Kaiway!! [ that was he said on the phone] wow! I was totally dumb about it. The fact is someone is even more high then me to be gaming in the early hours when I just woke up to swim.
Nvm. Shall try the next target. Candice. Ignored and rejected my calls. Basically, this indicate that she is still sleeping and dont wish to be disturbed, let alone go swimming.
Fine, had a nice cool swim till about 9plus alone. Wonderfully Shiok!
Next appointment was the choir practice.. Goodness I was late for practice but nvm we only had 3 songs to do.. Phew..
Church wedding end smoothly.. at 12pm.
Third appointment of the day..lunch at hougang with damien (confirm) eddie (not confirm) candice (not confirm) at 12pm. Faint! Eddie and candice has yet to confirm at 12pm..
Well candice of course had lovely lunch prepared at home for her. Eddie Sleep-walked to hougang to join us. Yes, at the usual QiJi cafe house..
line up of programmes.........
1 30 pm meet asilah at Vivo ..
1 45 Movie: Defintely, Maybe
400 Bens and Jerry
410 Sneak off to buy Cake from Secret Recipe
530 Off to dinner
5 45 Fig and Olive dinner
Met Huiying
615 Met Jieying
700 Happy Birthday to Nizam and Huiying!!
730 Laz at the open garden, chats and photos..
8 30 WEnt back home.
Wu lala i think pictures speaks more than words right! Here you go!

Left: Asilah , Me
Nizam's Protrait. . .
Hui ying sis and me + Lovely eyes!
Birthday Girl: Goh Hui Ying. May you be Happy always. Happy 21st Bday!
Jie ying and Me
Birthday Boy(Nizam) and Girl (Huiying)!
Day Finale! Going home by a nice chap's ride. Thanks Nizam. We'll home safely.