Well many! So many!
School has just started for 3 weeks. Cool about it as I've had a well spent 2 months break. Though I do not know about how is my results(coming in 2 weeks time) but keep it as 平常心 will be the best. :)
Went hiking from Machritchie Reservoir to BUkit Timah hill, watch many movies..UP, The Proposal(excellent! so hilarious!).
Offer my energy and time as Voluntor on two separate occasion. Learn quite a handful, I should say understand a lot bah.
Expose to the wonderful sunlight! Cycling at east coast. Visit the Marina Barrage!!
Attend chalet at friend and friends's gf birthday. Late night chatting with the person(s)I've love and cherish since poly! WOL you know who u are.
Funny notation: First time driving myself home yet the car wasn't my dad's nor mine... (dots dots dots)
Meet up with a special friend who flew in to Singapore from Taiwan. Knew her in poly back then. Sweet Angel!! Miss you still!
A friend whom i've lost 100% contact,Dini, she "found" me from BALI!!! hahah She kept my contact (written in her book) thats why I'm nvr going to change HP no ma! This is so important.. planning to go Bali in Oct w Candice..
Ever ready at choir and confident at singing too.. choir with the "motherly and grandmotherly" ladies are so much fun and joy! :P
Did a small makeover? hahah cut my hair shorter.. still have it straighten for easy maintenace also.. opps am i lazy ? ohhahaha. ..
Brother was back from San Fransico.. hahha so nice huh.. bought me a Coach bag.. but still its a bag to contain things...
My cousin was married, though its her second marriage. Still give her my upmost blessing :D
Went for Spa with Nicole.. hahha crazily bought a 6 session package.. share share with her.. but its really cheaper with it compare to ever single trip.. anytime you can just go, no expiry...
It's at Bishan Park, Arama Spa with dinning place.Good atmosphere.
Meet up with godsis, heard she's getting married. Congrats! :)
Signed up for Women 10K and Standard Chart marathon... must start exercising le...and get ready for a good sweat soon!!
Work is getting tighter and busier.. good and bad.. Still thing will work out somehow or another.. :)
Went a different outdoor sport - Horse riding!!! OMGosh fantasia experience though still worried and fearsome at some point.. overall Great and thumbs up!! Great company of Mical and Zibin too!! :)
pictures comes later....
Of course did not miss any shopping! New places like Illuma, Ion Orchard ...da da da ...
Experience the "Night at the Museum" at National Musuem!!! Night performance by the theatre group was superb!! Thumbs Up!
Great... I didnt know I did so many things and many events happened and this will still going !!! haahah Make life worthy the living loh!!
Night night gonna catch my show!!! >.<