일요일, 6월 05, 2011

My CHOICE to be back!!

I'm back here.

With a different perspective to relationships with people, after the CHOICE retreat, it gave me wider view and greater appreciation.

Although it can be easily understood that there are many people who loves you and wants to belong to you in a relationship but sometimes we are blinded by modernization that it overpowered or ruled the purest of a relationship.

It takes effort, lots of effort to begin, maintain, control and balance it.

Some reminders each day can be helpful at times.

I've once been told that - I may have change within myself but the world has not and this is THE challenge.

Tough? Maybe but we still need to face it and spread this awareness to more people.

Parents belonging to their children.
A child's belonging to his/her parents regardless of age,status/wealth.
A brother/ sister belonging to his/her siblings.
A husband/wife's belonging his/her spouse.
A person's belonging to his/her partner or friends.
One's belonging to another, is such a miraculous thing.

These exams, I had a better peace of mind than before. Not so conscious of getting fantastic grades or nervous about papers. Felt more calm than ever. Even I, myself, was surprised of my behaviour.

Take things easy and it will be alright. I've learnt.

Do not worry about what will happen in the future, for what comes tomorrow or even the next seconds are not meant for us to worry.

Worrying does not help to resolve physical issues or emotional burdens, instead it loads on more.
So why worry?

Well now, I just need to learn to be loved to balance my relationship with my closed ones - family and friends.
Yes, very random... lol ...its just me.
