24. years.
It takes much knowledge, awareness and sharing to make us reflect on all gifts given to and taken from us.
Since young, we have lived in this condition where our parents has work hard to provide for us, the best. Yet, as we've grown up we have forgotten to reflect the efforts by them; for who we are today.
To make it worse, we've taken advantage of it - making them work even harder. Terrible.
Life was very simple. For all I know, to stay alive on basic economical need.
Be fed, dressed and a shelter over your head.
This may sound very redundant to be mention. Of course we all knew it very well but we, human, just likes to demand more things.
To be fed with simple bread and butter, rice and veggies; enough?
I think millions and trillions of hungry people will be more than happy if there is sufficient water.
First world country ;wasting food which can help feed many more. Though many believe to donate $$ to help the hungry. Does it work? The never ending demand on food quality and freshness on scarce resources inflates price.
Worsening the situation, prices of further food donation are inflated even when we do not want to.
Being fed becomes such a complicated topic, what's more to say about being dressed.
Now, being dressed, in modernised world its about style, cut, quality, texture and fashion trend.
Step out of your comfort zone now!
Do something different to how you spend on food, clothes and other spendings.
Don't say "I don't know how!"
It's all about trying and conditioning yourself to change and be a flexible person in all situation.
Be mindful that any incident that may happen around you can change everything you have, enjoyed till now.
For me, learning a new word all over again - Appreciate.